Welcome: Mental Health Ministry

From the Mental Health Ministry.

The newly created Mental Health Ministry at St. Thomas the Apostle Church was formed to help meet the needs of families and loved ones of individuals who struggle with mental health.

Our ministry is run by parishioners who have been trained by the Sanctuary program through the Archdiocese of Newark. The team offers compassionate support and accompaniment to those interested. We do not provide therapy or medication management. All are welcome to attend.

Our team will meet the first Sunday of each month at 11:00 a.m. in the St. Peter Room of the parish center at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish beginning April 6th, with a hiatus during July and August. No registration is required.

To reach the Mental Health Ministry for general questions, please email Patricio Russillo at Patricia.Russillo@rcan.org. Or, click the button below to visit their ministry webpage.

Saint Dymphna, pray for us!