National Eucharistic Revival!

Our Catholic Bishops have called for a revival of dedication to the Eucharist.

The initiative began last year on a diocesan level with the bishops and clergy. It continues this year at the parish level, and culminates in a National Eucharistic Congress in July of 2024.

You can read more about this very important undertaking by going to one of the 2 websites linked below.

I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.
— John 6:51

Deacon Tom's Homily for June 18th, the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

IN OUR FIRST READING TODAY, GOD asks the Israelites He’s summoned to Himself: “Do you want to be my people? Are you willing to do my will and listen to my voice alone?

THE DISCIPLES JESUS SUMMONS TO Himself in today’s gospel had to answer these same questions every day of their lives.

WHERE WOULD WE BE IF, ALL OF A sudden, Matthew wanted to go back to being a full-time tax collector? And imagine if the four fishermen, Peter, Andrew, James, and his brother John, were thinking about returning to their fishing nets?

CAN’T YOU JUST HEAR THOMAS yelling: “You’re going to leave the spreading of the Good News to the rest of us! How can we possibly cleanse all the lepers and tell the lost that God is near without your help?

TO WHICH PETER MIGHT REPLY: “We’ll come back every Sunday and join you for the breaking of the bread.” “Not good enough” shouts Philip, “You think being a disciple is a part-time job!

WE KNOW DISCIPLESHIP IS MUCH more than putting on an “I Love God” T-shirt for an hour every Sunday, then pulling it off as soon as Mass is over!

DISCIPLESHIP IS A 24/7 commitment!

We’re not full-time accountants and part-time followers of Jesus.

NO, FIRST AND FOREMOST, WE’RE His full-time disciples who happen to be homemakers, business people, nurses, laborers. We’re His disciples who don’t gossip about our co-workers, His disciples who reach out to those around us who’re hurting and we’re filled with joy!

IT’S OUR ACTIONS THAT PREACH the Good News 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

MOTHER TERESA REMINDS US: “TO those who say they admire my courage, I have to tell them that I would not have any if I were not convinced that each time I touch the body of a leper, a body that reeks with a foul stench, I touch Christ’s body, the same Christ I receive in the Eucharist.”

ONLY BY KEEPING OUR EYES ON Jesus, watching what He does, can we become His more and more authentic followers.

GOD HAS LOVED EACH ONE OF US from all eternity. Now He summons us in our day to serve at this particular time.

SO, ARE WE WILLING TO BE Jesus’ disciples even though it’s a twenty-four-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week commitment? Will we keep our eyes fixed on Him, follow where He leads, listen to His voice alone?

AND ARE WE READY TO ANSWER “YES” to these questions, every morning of our life as we begin each new day?

St. Catherine of Siena, Pray for Us!

St. Thomas the Apostle Parish extends our prayers for all who are affected by the current air quality crisis and wildfires.

St. Catherine of Siena, Patron Saint of Fire Prevention, Pray for Us!


HOLY SPIRIT, come into my heart;

draw it to Thee by Thy power, O my God,

and grant me charity with filial fear.

Preserve me, O beautiful love, from every evil thought; warm me, inflame me with Thy dear love, and every pain will seem light to me.

My Father, my sweet Lord, help me in all my actions.

Jesus, love, Jesus, love. AMEN

Bloomfield Food Truck & Festival Friday, June 9th 4-10pm: Benefit for St. Thomas the Apostle School

Bloomfield Food Truck & Music Fest will feature 16 quality Food Trucks, Live Music, Beer, Sangria & Margarita Garden, Face Painting, pony rides, petting zoo, inflatables, Sand Art, Kids Activities, Vendors, a 50/50 and so much more!

The Music Line Up:

4pm-6pm - Almost Autumn

6pm-10pm - Naughty Humphrey "Get Ready to Rock!"

Participating Food trucks:

Angry Archie's

Chef J Latin Dragon

Chick Wings & Things

Cold Stone Creamery

Cubano X-Press

Dags Dippers

El Lechon de Negron

Empanada Guy

House of Cupcakes

Lomo Truck

Master Asador Argentinian BBQ

Rolling Pita

Sandwich Freak

Senor Tacos

Taci Cab Burger

Uncle Sals Egg Rolls

Beer Garden to feature:

Lone Eagle - Flemington Fog, Summer Honey Blonde, Sour, Hefeweizen

Señor Sangria - Red & White

Margaritas/Daiquiris - Red & White

Strawberry Lemonade Vodka

Bring your appetite, lawn chairs, 4 legged friends & family!

Benefit for St. Thomas the Apostle School

***We are also asking all attendees to bring a non perishable canned or boxed item to help support the food pantry... Please help those less fortunate ***

Admission: $5 • Kids under 5 FREE

St Thomas the Apostle Parking Lot

50 Byrd Ave • Bloomfield, NJ

FREE PARKING: Across the street from the school in the front lot, side church lot and side street parking. Please share and invite your family, friends & colleagues

We Joyfully Welcome our 2023 RCIA Candidates into the Catholic Faith

On May 28th at the 10 AM Mass, Jennifer, Brianna, Maureen, and Alissa were fully initiated into the Catholic Church in the sacrament of Confirmation.

These four ladies completed eight months of prayer, preparation, and reflection anticipating this Pentecost. RCIA can be compared to a walk: a walk with friends whose faith seeks greater understanding. Adults bring adult experiences, challenges, and questions when they seek full communion with the Church.

The analogy of a walk is most appropriate for adult inquiry. The RCIA volunteers walk along with the candidates as they develop a closer relationship with the Church of Jesus Christ. The RCIA is a blessing to who walk this path together.

In the Fall, we will again welcome those seeking full initiation into the Church by Baptism, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation, candidates who are already baptized seeking Holy Eucharist and or Confirmation, as well as parishioners seeking greater engagement and understanding of their faith in Jesus Christ. All are welcome.

Click here to visit the RCIA ministry page and get in touch.