From the Music Ministry: Adult and Youth Choirs are Back!

A Message from Dr. Patricio Molina, Music Director and the Music Ministry:

Adult and Youth Choir are Back! We welcome new and returning members!


The Youth Choir is restarting beginning in September! We perform at the 10am mass once per month, during select holiday masses, and at biannual concerts. We rehearse each Sunday immediately following the 10am mass for thirty minutes. Consider this spiritually and emotionally enriching activity for your child!


Join the Adult Choir! All voice parts and ability levels are welcome. We have a special need for Sopranos and Altos. We rehearse Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm, and perform at the 10am mass, select holiday masses, and biannual concerts.

If you would like to sign up, or have questions, please email Dr. Molina at

Whether you sing or play, you're needed at STA!

Click here to visit the Music Ministry page.

Beyond Cornerstone Soup Kitchen Ministry: Meeting 09/19 @7pm. New Members Welcome!

A Beyond Cornerstone Service Ministry meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 19th at 7PM. Anyone interested in participating in this Ministry during the coming year is encouraged to attend this informative meeting.

Thank you to everyone who supported our summer involvement at the soup kitchen through prayer, donations, and volunteering to go down to help at the kitchen.

The picnic styled August meal of fried chicken and salads was enjoyed by all. We supplied cases of water to the kitchen throughout the summer months. Joanne continues to collect clean take-out containers.

Our individual parishioners’ consistent and prayerful donations of time and money are the foundation of our ministry and allow us to continue our mission. Please consider placing a donation in an envelope marked SOUP KITCHEN in the collection basket or drop it off at the Parish Center.

To learn more about their ministry or reach out, please click here to visit their ministry page.

All are invited to the 2023 Parish Picnic Sunday, October 1st!

***PLEASE NOTE: The 2023 Parish Picnic has been rescheduled to the rain date of Sunday, October 1st.

All are invited to the 2023 Parish Picnic at St. Thomas the Apostle Church! The Picnic will be held on Sunday, October 1st from 1-4pm in Vassar Field. Join us beforehand at the 12pm mass!

The parish picnic is a beloved STA tradition where parishioners come together for an afternoon of food, fun, and fellowship. It will be held at Vassar Field behind the church. Help us celebrate the start of the new school year, as well as the return to parish life after summer break!

Meet some of our parish ministries, enjoy some BBQ, dance along to our live music, and participate in fun activities for all age groups, including tie-dye, face painting, and lawn games!

To see all the fun we had last year, check out these highlights from from the 2022 picnic!

We ask that you please bring a dessert or snack to share, and a blanket or lawn chair for seating. We can't wait to see you there!

The Planning Committee is in need of volunteers. If you are interested in helping, please contact us.

Will You Answer His Call to Serve? 2023 Ministry Fair: October 14th-15th

God's Work, Our Hands: Our Pastor, Fr. Larry, along with the Pastoral Council, invites you to become part of our thriving ministries. We are hosting a Ministry Fair on October 14th and 15th after all Masses in the Parish Center.

  • Do you feel God calling you to serve Him in ministry, but are unsure how to begin? Come to the 2023 Ministry Fair!

  • Have you hesitated to join a group because you haven’t met any members personally? Come to the 2023 Ministry Fair!

  • Are you unsure of your potential to bless others through ministry service? Come to the 2023 Ministry Fair!

ALL mass attendees are invited to go to the Parish Center immediately following any mass. Meet active Ministry Leaders and volunteers, enjoy refreshments, pick up your FREE STA Church wristband, and enter to win a door prize!


“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”  1 Peter 4:10


Please consider supporting the Ministry Fair via our Volunteer T-Shirt Fundraiser now through Sunday, September 17th.

For inquiries related to the fair, please email

Download digital flyer here.


From the Young Adult Ministry: Diaper Drive for Mercy House

The Young Adult Ministry is running a diaper drive to benefit Mercy House in Newark. The mission of the Mercy House is to offer a welcoming space for individuals and families in need– and to provide emotional support and healing in a comfortable, faith-filled environment.

Diapers will be collected the weekends of September 10th, 17th, and 24th.

The Mercy House has expressed a need for diapers in the larger sizes, and so we humbly ask for donations sizes 3 and larger.

A collection bin will be located near the Infant of Prague Statue in the church during those weekends. If you have any questions please reach out to

Thank you for your generosity, and God Bless.

Holy Name Society at St. Alfonso Redemptorist Retreat House 2023

In July, a group of men from the STA Holy Name Society attended the Redemptorist San Alfonso Retreat House in West Long Branch, N.J. This year’s theme was "Seeing our Story in God's Story: Formed by Word and Sacrament."

We heard about the importance of the stories of our lives - our families, our faith, our churches. We learned about seeing ourselves in the Bible's stories and using Lectio Divina to internalize and reflect on scripture: a method of prayer that will be helpful in our Parish Council’s high priority for the foundation of additional STA prayer groups and Bible study. We shared stories of past Holy Name Society Members, celebrating their lives, and various ministries and events at Saint Thomas over the years.

It is important to share stories - we find a connection in stories. We find that we are not all that different from each other, and we find friendship, support, and valuable lessons when we share stories about ourselves and our loved ones. There were over 50 men from other dioceses in N.J. who traded creative practical ways (“stories”) to envision enriching parish life back home.

St. Alfonso’s is an “oasis” for charging a person’s spiritual “batteries” for the challenging work in the parish ministries in the months ahead. That’s why many attendees come back yearly. Charles Collins received an award for participating in 35 retreats at San Alfonso.

The STA Holy Name Society has been in existence since the founding of the parish. The Society promotes prayer, Eucharistic Adoration and collaboration with other parish ministries in performing the Corporal and the Spiritual Works of Mercy, to include practical programming on vulnerable persons and their needs. Click here to visit our ministry page and learn more.

For decades, the HNS has been sponsoring the annual weekend retreat at San Alfonso Retreat House, situated on eight beautiful acres overlooking the ocean. Its outdoor shrines, prayer garden, beautiful chapels, and comfortable accommodations have been “Holy Ground” for laity, religious, and clergy for 98 years.

We know from scripture that Jesus frequently withdrew in prayer for periods of time to remain centered in His public ministry. We need to follow His example. You are called to find a regular special place for that near you: a room, a park, a pew in Eucharistic Adoration. We recommend trying to attend a retreat house if you can, even if it’s only once in a lifetime.

To learn more about the Holy Name Society or inquire about membership, click here to visit their ministry page.

Deacon Tom's Homily for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

IN TODAY’S GOSPEL, WE SEE THE power of love!

AS OUR GOSPEL BEGINS, WE SEE A tired Jesus, worn out from all His journeys. He needs some time to rest, to prepare Himself and His disciples for the upcoming ordeal of His Passion and Death. To get a break from the crowds of people that are after Him day in and day out, Jesus leaves Jewish territory, for the only time we know of, and crosses into the pagan territory of Tyre and Sidon in the Canaanite region.

JESUS IS CONFIDENT THAT THE crowds of Jews seeking miracles and healings will never follow Him into Canaanite territory. The Canaanites were an abomination to the Jews because of their fertility-based pagan religion. The Jews called all Canaanites “filthy wild dogs.”

JUST AS JESUS BEGINS TO BREATHE a sigh of relief, here comes this woman running after him, calling out. And, of course, she is a Canaanite!

THIS CANAANITE WOMAN IS prepared for derision and contempt as she approaches this band of Jewish men. But, her love for her ailing daughter is so strong, the woman is ready to endure anything for a chance to just speak to this famous Jewish Healer. She cries out, “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me.” He is her last hope!

WHEN JESUS DOES FINALLY answer her, she is encouraged because He uses a much softer word for dog. Jesus says, “It’s not right to take the food of the children and throw it to the pet dogs.” Her heart leaps up – maybe there is a chance after all!

THE DEPTH OF HER LOVE AND HER belief in Him makes Jesus change His Mind – God’s love knows no bounds. Jesus heals her daughter!

TODAY, THIS CANAANITE WOMAN teaches us to persevere in prayer, despite all the obstacles. She teaches us one of the most powerful prayers in all scripture. When we, or a loved one, are seriously ill, may we pray from the depths of our heart, “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me.” Whenever we, or a loved one, have a habit of sin that seems unbreakable, may we pray from our heart, “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me.”

NONE OF US WOULD BE SURPRISED to see, a little while later, this same Canaanite woman standing among that group of women weeping as Jesus approaches them carrying His Cross on His way to Calvary. Knowing this Canaanite woman, she would be standing right up front with her arm around the daughter that Jesus healed!

Fraud Alert: Parishioners, be advised of potential scams

St. Thomas the Apostle Parish is warning all parishioners to be wary of online scammers.

The clergy and staff of the parish will NEVER send you an email or text asking you to send money or your personal information to them.

If you receive such a request purporting to be from one of our clergy or staff members, please alert us and DO NOT SEND MONEY OR GIFT CARDS. Do not respond to the online or texted request.

Thank you!